Saturday, November 30, 2024 – 10:00 AM
Sunday, December 1, 2024 – 10:00 AM ET
Location • Admission • Exhibitors and Vendors • Presentations
Come enjoy the World of Commodore computers with us! Buy your tickets online through Ticket Tailor. Please see the Admission section below for more details.
Early bird tickets are not on sale anymore. You can now purchase tickets at their regular price. These can also be purchased at the venue.
Saturday doors open at 10 AM, day ends at 5:30 PM.
Sunday doors open at 10 AM, event ends at 5:00 PM.
Admiral Inn 2161 North Sheridan Way Mississauga, Ontario L5K 1A3
If you’re coming from out of town and plan to stay at the Admiral Inn, we strongly encourage you to contact Admiral Inn directly for the best rates, rather than use a third party website/app for booking.
Reservations: 1-905-403-9777 • (Toll-Free): 1-888-236-4660
More information can be found at the Admiral Inn’s website.
The Admiral Inn is located north of the QEW and west of Erin Mills Parkway.
From the east, exit the QEW at Erin Mills Parkway (exit #126) and continue straight across Erin Mills Parkway onto North Sheridan Way. The Admiral Inn is the third hotel on your right.
From the west, exit the QEW at Erin Mills Parkway (exit #126) and turn left to travel north on Southdown Road. Once you have crossed over the QEW, turn left at the first set of lights onto North Sheridan Way. The Admiral Inn is the third hotel on your right.
World of Commodore is also accessible by public transit.
If you will be using GO Transit’s Lakeshore West train service, exit at the Clarkson Station. From there take Mississauga Transit’s Route 13 North to North Sheridan Way and walk west. The Admiral Inn is the third hotel on your right.
If you will be using Mississauga Transit, the hotel is accessible from Route 13. Major terminals on Route 13 are located at the Meadowvale Town Centre, South Common Mall, and Clarkson Station.
Should you require further assistance in finding the hotel, please contact them at (905)-403-9777.
Prices are in Canadian Dollars (CAD$).
Tickets prices for online purchases after Friday 22, 2024, and door prices at the event
Saturday, November 30 – $25
Sunday, December 1 – $25
Discounted total price if attending both days – $35
All funds go towards hosting World of Commodore, TPUG events, web hosting, ongoing club operations, future projects, and other expenses.
Platinum Sponsor

Please visit their online shop for your retro-computing needs.
Bronze Sponsor
Exhibitors and Vendors
If you’re displaying vintage computers or things related to them, you pay no charge for the use of a table and are only required to pay regular admission – see Admission section above. Please email info@tpug.ca to reserve your exhibitor’s table.
Vendors are those who are selling hardware, software or anything related to vintage computing. Vendors pay $50 per table, which allows the use of the table for both days of the expo – Saturday and Sunday. Each table provides one free admission for the single vendor individual. Assistants accompanying a vendor are required to pay regular admission, unless the vendor purchases the use of multiple tables. Please email info@tpug.ca if you have any questions.
Note: tables are 72″x30″. So 6 feet tables.
Exhibitors and vendors list
- Retro Rewind: Commodore repairs, component sales, and our generous sponsor.
- Justus Jurica: representing World of Retro Computing.Justus will be selling a huge assortment of Commodore books, manuals, software, big box games and hardware including accessories, a tricked out Amiga 500 and an Amiga 1200.
- Dave Bradley: – Drop by the table of YouTube’s 8-Bit Commodore Man to see what’s for sale !
- VCF East: Jeff Brace from Vintage Computer Federation will be displaying a C64 Maxi, C64 Mini, C64 with Super CPU. He will also be selling VCF t-shirts.
- Stacey Vetzal: Z3660 accelerated A3000 (new) and my A3500 prototype
- Aron Katz: PCBs and some surplus parts possibly amiga or commodore related.
- Terry Dillon: 2 PETs 4032, 3 CBM 8032 and a SuperPET SP9000, a C64, manuals, books, and more!
- Aaron @ One Maybe Two Retro: will be exhibiting multiple systems that have been refurbished, all running with technology and software that reinspired Aaron (back) into retro computing. Some of these will be available for purchase along with other Commodore hardware components that have been tested and repaired, rejuvenated, and/or refurbished. Are you READY!
- C64 OS: Greg Naçu will have a table demoing his amazing C64 OS.
- BitBinders: Commodore products reinvented! Craig Smith will be displaying his awesome new Commodore replica drives. Plus his power supplies!
- John Hammarberg: Exhibitor. Some commodores and more fun stuff.
- Leif Bloomquist: Demo of Bluetooth controllers for the C64.
- Reverse Order: Stickers, t-shirts and disk labels.
- Joe Palumbo: Four tables of amazing retro stuff.
- Paul Deane: Selling TeensyROM Cartridges and new C64/VIC20 Power supplies.
- Dave Hill: offers a couple of working Amiga’s (A500 and an A1200) along with some C64 items.
- Josh Richmond: retro computer cookie cutters and some delicious cookies.
Schedule and Presentations
- 12:00 PM – John Hammarberg: Will be talking about the C2 Assembler.
- 1:00 PM – Dan Laskowski: Sound Synthesis and Sequencers for the C64 and Beyond.
- 3:00 PM – Jason Long: Playing SID music in real time on a modular synthesizer.
- 4:00 PM – Greg Naçu: Connect with Clicks: C64 OS Goes Online.
- 11:00 AM – Rudy Panigas : Presentation of Commodore SuperPET repairs including a diagnostic manual.
- 12:00 PM – AmiKit OS (online) : Jan, its creator, will give a brief history and demonstrate the OS.
- 1:00 PM – Gareth Poole: Rust and 6502 .
- 2:00 PM – Brian P. Dougherty (online): Founder of Berkeley Softworks, creator of GEOS. Co-Founder of iMagic games. Intellivision games developer.
- 3:00 PM – Stefan Powell: Experience deep listening through beat frequency compositions on the Commodore 64, crafted with minimalist one-screen BASIC programs.
- 4:00 PM – Jorge Abreu: Drean Commodore in Argentina.
Note that we do our best to schedule, however presenters are subject to change without notice.
After Parties (Friday and Saturday Nights)
Join us for our after parties (details to be announced at the show)